For the 9th year in a row, we will be honored to host legendary horseman Jack Brainard for a series of two back-to-back horsemanship clinics. We will start with our
3-day Jack Brainard’s Virgins Clinic, July 6 through July 8, limited to just 10 riders. This clinic is especially designed for those who have never ridden with Jack before, but wish to improve their fundamentals for advanced riding, or for those who may have attended a Jack Brainard clinic in the past, but feel they need additional work on their riding foundation. Riders in the Virgins clinic will learn how to control the whole horse by learning how to control the parts of the horse. Understanding the horse’s footfalls and the proper timing of cues in time with t

he footfalls to achieve different movements will be emphasized, and achieving lightness in doing so is the goal. This knowledge and these skills then become the cornerstone for eventually achieving true harmony between horse and rider. But it has to start here, with these basics. Prospective students should be able to walk, trot and canter comfortably, confidently and in control. This clinic is not a colt starting or problem horse clinic, therefore students should bring their best horse to this course. Nor is it a beginner’s clinic, as advanced riding will be taught. The 3-day Virgins clinic costs
$675, including free on-site student housing. Please feel free to
contact us for further information or a complete application packet.
Following the Virgins clinic we will host a 3-day Jack Brainard Advancing Clinic, July 11 through July 13. The Advancing Clinic will also be limited to 10 riders only, assuring each student of an exceptional degree of personalized attention. This course is intended for Jack Brainard alumni -- students who have attended at least one of Jack’s previous clinics -- or any rider who has solid riding fundamentals, is comfortable and confident at the walk, trot and canter, who understands and has a feeling for the horse’s footfalls, and is ready to build upon their skills and timing to achieve more advanced maneuvers on their horse. Students in this course will improve their mastery of the fundamentals for achieving flying lead changes, lateral movements such as haunches-in, haunches-out, shoulder-in and half passes, along with Western moves like spins, roll backs and much more. If you are an above average recreational rider who wishes to take your riding to the next level, this is the clinic for you.
The cost for the 3-day Advancing Clinic is also $675 per student, including free on-site student housing. Please feel free to contact us for further information or a complete application packet.
The first class equestrian facilities at Kokonini Farm are second to none and can be reviewed here.
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